Jerry Kooyman

Watch Jerry's performances in 1999, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2018 (Sat, Sun), 2022 a slideshow, or read information.

Jerry Kooyman's first performance was at a Video afternoom in 1996. Many performances at Denver Days followed. In the first years he often was accompanied by Esther, later performances were usually solo. At The World of John Denver weekends in Zoetermeer the last couple of years he was present every time.

Jerry is a good guitar player and enjoys playing the music of Harry Sacksioni. He wrote some instrumentals himself as well.

Besides the evenemens of The World of John Denver, every now and then Jerry plays in his hometown Delft, en sometimes elsewhere.

You can read more about Jerry at his website for photography, and at his Youtube channel for his music.